
 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.

- James Baldwin


What I want for this world is for people to love, to understand and to communicate from compassion. I want suffering to end, for people to feel understood, to feel heard, and to be loved.

By just my very nature, there’s no way I can ignore the voices of those crying out.  If you look through my Giving Back page, you’ll see my dedication to a variety of non-profits. I always feel that if I can just make a difference in the life of one person, then I have done something worthwhile with my life.

So it is imperative, for me, that I take a stand, out loud, about injustices that I recognize. I find it overwhelming to consider all that must be done to solve the ills of this world, but I know with all my heart that every word spoken in love and earnest, is a log on the fire of compassion for humanity.

I am of Cuban-Spanish decent. I have experience on what it means to be marginalized. But, there’s zero percent chance of me truly grasping the Black experience. So, I must listen and examine myself and my own behavior and all its nuances if I am to be a proper ally. 

I am descendant of immigrants. I have experience in hearing from family what it means to arrive at a new country with nothing but hope in your hands. But, there’s zero percent chance of me truly grasping the plight of immigrants today. So, I must listen and examine myself and my own behavior and all its nuances if I am to be a proper ally.

I also come from a long line of civil servants. In my family we have police officers, fire fighters, nurses and teachers. I have first hand knowledge on the fear a family member of an officer or a fire fighter faces, but there’s zero percent chance of me truly grasping the experience of being on the front lines. So, I must listen and examine myself and my own behavior and all its nuances if I am to be a proper ally. 

I also have many friends and family that belong to the LGBTQ+ community. I have seen friends and family suffer for their lifestyle. But there’s zero percent chance of me truly feeling the challenges of LGBTQ+ experience. So, I must listen and examine myself and my own behavior and all its nuances if I am to be a proper ally.

I watched a virtual Town Hall recently and Ericka Hines, a DEI practitioner, said, “Be humble and ready to fumble.”

Chances are, I’m going to say something wrong. Chances are, I won’t get it right the first time.  Someone will say my message is muddled. Some will say its not enough. Some will say its all just too much.  But, that’s ok.

I’m a work in progress.

I’m taking imperfect action.

I’m open to seeing myself, to listening and learning.


I recognize systemic racism in America. 

I support rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

I believe in the potential of this country and our society.

Here are the things I’m committing to doing right now:

    • Adding Voter Registration information to my physical space. I firmly believe using your voice to vote is one of the most powerful things we can do to bring the change you want to see in the world - whichever side of the aisle that is for you.

    • I’ve signed The Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge

    • I’m creating a Power Portraits project for at-risk youth, 5th grade to 12th grade where they will receive a formal portrait looking their best. This will serve to inspire and empower as well as provide them with a professional headshot they can use in school and work.

    • I’m donating my time and services to all the organizations listed on my Giving Back page

    • I’m committed to LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Empowerment and am certified as such.

    • I’m an Advocate for Body Diversity

    • I’m raising my children to be rooted in love and compassion and to take action

    • I’m committed to sharing resources for all those wanting and willing to examine our past, present and future.


Below are links that I’ve been collecting for a bit. I hope they help you in your search for knowledge as much as they’ve helped me. I hope to update this list as we evolve. As you read through, consider this, a little something I learned studying the Buddhist philosophy: Don’t just take my word for it; examine everything yourself. Read through the resources and see what works for you. On the list of places to donate to, check out the organizations - make sure they align with your beliefs. You will learn as much as you are willing to learn.

10 Women’s Rights Organizations You Can Support This Election Season (And Always) Click Here

Anguish and Action - Obama Foundation Click Here

Anti-racism Resources Click Here

Anti-Racism Resources: Guides From Black Educators & Ways to Take Action Click Here

Dear White People, This is What We Want You to Do – Inside The Kandi Dish Click Here

The History of Racism in America | History | Smithsonian Magazine Click Here

Human Rights Campaign Click Here

LGBT Organizations You Need to Know Click Here

Reimagining Small Business: A Town Hall by Rachel Rodgers and Hello Seven Click Here

Sunserve LGBTQ/Transgender Proficiency Training: Expanding the Binary Click Here

Where to Donate for Black Lives Matter: 115 Places & Funds | The Strategist | New York Magazine Click Here

What Can We Learn from the Germans About Confronting Our History? | The New Yorker Click Here

my team and i are committed to providing photography services to clients of all race, class, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religious or political conviction, age, body size and/or shape, and ability. 

Thank you for being here.